IDTOP is the most reliable fake ID website for the past 10 years. We have a record-breaking streak of sending noninterrupted scannable fake IDs to our USA customers for almost a decade. ID Top is not just a new or ordinary novelty ID maker. Our name is popular in any college, bar or campus in every state.
You probably heard about us from a friend, colleague at work or a friendly bartender. When you search for the term ‘fake id‘ or ‘scannable fake id’ then one thing comes into mind that is IDTOP. Our motto is simple – no compromise in quality at the cost of cheaper pricing.
IDTOP is not just an ordinary fake ID website. Our presence in this market for a decade is a tall-tell evidence of our reputation. We maintain a professional third-party review page on services such as Trustpilot or SiteJabber. Where every customer should feel free to express their feedback about our products.
Our samples on ‘IDTOP Reviews‘ page has categorized our recently finished & shipped fake ID purchases. We also list a video of our factory in China where these fake licenses go through security functions. Furthermore, all of our ‘PRODUCTS‘ page & single fake ID portfolios contain fake ID sample with “IDTOP.IS” as credentials of the license.
This only proves our point that we actually print fake IDs & do not show stolen or reseller photos on our platform. We will win the trust of our customers. Most of our fake ID purchase comes from word of mouth & are returning customers most of whom have used our fake licenses before.
IDTOP constantly changes payment options. Being a legitimate provider it is difficult to stick to one option. We optimize requirements based on customer convenience. Right now, we accept four payment options.
1- Amazon Gift Cards (These can be purchased from convenient stores & makes your order process faster than other payment options). Read more
2- Vanilla Visa/Master Gift Card (Available in local convenient stores throughout the US & can be charged back – It gives customer a safe feeling while purchasing with these). Read More
3- Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency Payment option – It is faster than other payment options & can make it easier for us to process orders). Read more
4- Western Union/Money Gram – (Reserved only for group orders – customers can place an order for a group or multiple fake IDs and receive details on how to pay 24 hours later). Read more
Our buying of fake ID is a simple & fast process. We have different prices for every state license. The difference in prices is because of material & security features. You can complete the process of buying in step-by-step easily.
Go to our ‘BUY FAKE ID‘ page & select a payment option. It will take you to the fake ID filling form that the specific payment method.
Find out how much you will pay us by selecting four options
1- Order Quantity (Select single or multiple fake ids).
2- Write full number of IDs for group orders (excluding duplicates) & leave as it is for single ID.
3- Select License state & Shipping Method (Choose “GROUP STATES” in our state list if you want to order different state ID for each person in a group order) – The form is automated & will tell your total prince in US dollars.
4– Pay the total & submit the forms.
For full details on how to use our order form for single or multiple ID purchases CLICK HERE TO VIEW FULL BUYING FAKE ID DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS
IDTOP has an automated price calculation system for fake ID purchases. All of our fake ID pricing can be found at our ‘FAKE ID PRODUCTS‘ page. Each fake ID price can be found there but it is a price for a single fake ID purchase.
If you order for a group or multiple fake IDs then the pricing form applies automatic discount on your total based on the number of fake IDs you will be purchasing. The discount percentage is calculated on the requirements below.
2-5 IDS = 10% Discount
6-10 IDS = 20% Discount
11-19 IDS – 30% Discount
20+ IDS – 40% Discount
While ordering you can read our ‘DETAILED FAKE ID BUYING INSTRUCTIONS‘ page – It explains how our automated fake ID pricing form applies discounts to your total calculated price based on the number of fake IDs you will be purchasing. It applies discounts from 10% up to 40% depends on how many fake licenses you buy.
Our standard China Post Mailing Service takes 7-8 days to reach your doorstep. While, if you use our Express Mailing Service via Fedex or DHL it may take 4-6 days. [We charge additional 50 US dollars for Express Mailing Service]
These times are not guaranteed & delays may occur due to the pandemic situation. Our normal times have not been affected so far & we plan to make it stay that way.
We have been doing this for almost a decade. We have a dedicated system where your order is given a unique number.
Once we ship your order & the courier service provides us a batch of tracking numbers then you shall receive your tracking number via E-mail you provided at the time of order.
IDTOP has various locations. We do not depend on one location. Although, our factory works from China but we have several distribution locations throughout the world specifically for the US. Rest assured, our fake IDs will arrive in a safe & secured package.
We cannot disclose accurate information regarding this. Doing so would be putting our packages under needless scrutiny. We use different techniques & have experts for hiding fake IDs in an envelope of documentation or solid boxes availed from local watch stores in China.
Even if your fake ID arrives you will still need to work hard to find it out. Hence, there is no question of someone at your house or work place knowing that you’ve received a fake ID package.
Each of your fake ID comes with a free clone. Even if you order for a group you will still receive charge-free duplicate for each person.
Yes, you are able to select your license number, expiry or license issuing dates. You can also select your photo, age or other requirements. We have no such restrictions.
A confirmation message is sent to your email address as soon as you submit a form. You can notify us with required correction in a timely manner of 12 hours. We will correct the form with no other requirements. If your ID gets printed then there is no way for us to correct information.
We prefer a simple photo with a straighter look into the camera. You can use any background as long as the photo is taken indoors. The color of the background can be anything and our technicians will alter your photo if required.
If you want to send us a perfect photo for your fake ID. You may want to read our ‘FAKE ID PHOTO INSTRUCTIONS‘ page for more details.
We do not keep your order information once you receive your package. At the same time, these fake IDs are for fun purposes & any criminal activity with these will not be tolerated.
IDTop rarely spares a security feature on fake licenses. We do not rely on templates unlike our counterparts. Our licenses are a copy of the real IDs. The business comes at a cost where we have to spend thousands of US dollars into equipment, material & work-force for labor.
Our fake id process for every order is same. Regardless of the price or number of fakes each license has a working holographic function, ultraviolet features.
IDTop has a custom barcode generating software to print 1D & two-dimensional codes for each ID. We also swipe-scan each ID on a device to boost the confidence of our customers before shipping them out. Our fake licenses will pass instate & out of state. If your ID fails to do so then, we will offer a refund. This hasn’t happened once in the past 10 years of our fake ID business.